Cool Moms Serve Cookies for Breakfast
I tried a new breakfast cookie recipe this morning and I think Nellie liked these cookies better! I got the recipe HERE. I only had 1.5 bananas left so I just cut the recipe in half but it still made a whole sheet pan full so I think it was the perfect amount!

Nellie was busy eating the other half of her breakfast so I didn't have her help me but this would have been a great opportunity for her to dump in the oats and the other ingredients.
They were pretty easy and fast to make. I did make sure to squish down the cookies into the shape I wanted before I stuck them in the oven for 14 minutes and then I cleaned the kitchen while they baked.

Check out the pretty clean counter with my favorite GEFU X-Plosion salt and pepper mills and the beautiful Olipac olive oil cruets - one has olive oil and the other has avocado oil.

As always, the recipe was made much easier with my fave GKW tools and it helped me get back to spending more time with little Nellie and less time in the kitchen so that means it was a success!
Taryn Pratt, MPH