My Morning Routine
My husband Bryan started a new job in November of last year. He had to get up at 7:30 in order to arrive on time to work and I would get up with him, see him off, and then go back to bed until 8:00 or 8:30 until Nellie woke up. A couple weeks ago I found myself on my phone until almost 9:00 while Nellie happily hung out in her crib and I realized I was wasting precious time, so I decided to start a morning routine.
While Nellie sleeps or as long as she is content in her crib, I now do the following:
I wake up at 7:30 with Bryan but I don't go back to bed. I see him off, and then I check my planner for the day's activities. I plan what I will do with Nellie until her nap and then I do 15-20 minutes of gospel study. Studying the gospel fills my cup and I think it is so important that we do something for us each and every day!
After my gospel study, I get the energy to get off of the bed and go to the living room to do a strength training workout. My goal is to do at least 15 minutes and if I'm not going to the gym to swim later that day, then I try to do 30 minutes.
This doesn't always happen because some days Nellie cries earlier than others, but even 10 minutes of a workout is better than nothing!
I like to use the Nike Training App which has a ton of different options of workouts. My go to workouts are "Bi's and Tri's", "12 Minute Arms & Abs", and "One Leg at a Time".

Here at GKW we are all about helping busy parents spend more time with their families and less time in the kitchen, all while getting healthy and I think a morning routine is a fantastic way to do just that! How do you like to start your day??
Taryn Pratt, MPH