Recipes and Healthy Living

Superbowl Sunday

by Michele Ekins on Feb 01, 2023

Superbowl Sunday

Reminiscing on Warmer Days

Michele, Taryn, and Nellie by the tailgate party car


With Superbowl Sunday just a little over a week away, it had me reminiscing on the time we threw this little tailgate party with my parents when Nellie was much smaller. I grew up in Missouri, but my family never watched football. We didn't pay for cable and I never even learned the rules of football until I went to college in Utah. I didn't even ever watch the superbowl until I met my husband, Bryan. 

So since Bryan's family has lived in Massachusetts for over 100 years, I married into a die hard Patriots family and became a Pats fan. We watch every game and I have learned to especially love the Superbowl because it brings our family together and of course in includes delicious food!! 

Tailgates and touchdowns with Olipac olive oil cruet

For this tailgate party last year, we had salad tossed with olive oil from the Olipac olive oil cruet, raspberry lemonade with glass straws from GEFU and chicken salad with freshly ground salt and pepper with the GEFU X-Plosion salt and pepper mills. 

Raspberry lemonade with glass straws
Do you watch the Superbowl?? Are you in it for the food, the commercials, the game, or all of the above? I never understood the hype of the Superbowl when I was younger. Even my freshman year of college I was invited to a Superbowl party but I was so bored after 5 minutes that I just took a plate of food and ditched. 
I absolutely LOVE football now and I even go to go to a Patriots game since a coworker had season tickets and game them to us for a game! Interesting that once you learn about something and understand it, it becomes far more exciting! 

Taryn with drink


I wonder if that is how it is for anything related to health - learning how to cook at home to make healthier meals, learning about reducing your glucose spike, learning about exercise and how to find ways to move your body that you enjoy, heck even learning about which GKW products will help simplify your life and get you back to your hobbies like football watching! 


Michele and the car
X-plosion salt and pepper mills
Ekins family at car
Nellie and Michele
So there you go - though it is not quite as warm as it was when we took these photos, I hope you can create some delicious food for your Superbowl party next Sunday and you enjoy together with your loved ones!!
Our goal here at Gourmet Kitchenworks is to help you spend less time in the kitchen, and more time with your family, all while getting healthier. Part of your health is having fun!! So if Football brings you joy, I hope you enjoy next weekend and since I am from Missouri and that is where GKW is located, go Chiefs!! 
Taryn Pratt, MPH 
P.S. Here's a fun photo from the actual Superbowl last year - I can't wait to recreate it!! 
Pratt family Superbowl
P.P.S. Have any questions?? The quickest way to get an answer is to DM me on our instagram @GourmetKitchenworks 

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